Monday, July 11, 2011
Seal Team 1, Wow! the best of the best. For many people in America and around the world this is the flash that produces the thoughts and pictures in the minds of all of us as those words are spoken, and rightly so. They are the best, at what they choose to do. A team of men and women so finely tuned that a comparison can only produce one and only one thought and that is of the finest of Swiss Time Pieces. So finely created that its workings are without question as to pre session and accrues. Seal Teams train and execute missions much like this watch. Never missing a beat. A question arises however, Seal Team member, outside of his or her team, what do they aspires to? As an individual they are successful men and women that have acquired skills. Ask yourself this question. What is the difference between Ability and Skill? Ability is what we are born with and is given to us by God. Skill is what we have acquired through training and experience. What is experience? Trial and error...mostly error, bad chooses we hopefully learn from. There has never been nor will there ever be a Seal Team member or Team born with “ability only” that can do what Seal Team 1 has accomplished. Be dropped into Pakistan and take out Osama Bin Ladin. Individual Seal Team member training, and teamwork, are only but two of a three part quest for the making of a Seal Team 1 capable unit. The third part, is experience, and that is a killer. The Seals, of Seal Team 1 have had to do a mission or missions like this before to acquire the experience to qualify for the first team. If you were a member of any of the other teams and failed, there is a good chance you’re dead. If you’re in Entrepreneurial World you’re probably broke, out of business and would like to be dead. Okay, you have passed the test and by trail and error you have been found worthy of your new position. SEAL Team 1... STOP! I forgot to tell you one more thing you have to know.
Do you remember that Swiss Time Piece we where talking about? The one that can run one hundred years without missing a beat. Why do you think it can do that? I will tell you why. Because it knows it’s a Swiss Time Piece and it has Purpose, Integrity and Honor, made by a team of people with the same values. I see it this way. While the sum of the parts are enclosed in that solid gold watch case it will do its job and never let its team members that are also enclosed in that solid gold case down. For many of us that solid gold case may be an office or a basket ball court or a football field. For a Seal Team 1 member it’s the world stage. We can never forget the reasons we do the things we do. That’s what gets us home at the end of the day. When you walk through that door and hold the people you love in your arms, does it really matter how you got there? Or just that you’re there. At night, lie that solid gold watch on your night stands, and get into bed. Slide up to your world and hold them in your arm as you smile knowing the world your world is safer and better then it was yesterday.
No Death Sentence/Life W/O Parole on circumstantial evidence
Sign Our Petition
Case in point, Casey Anthony, you do not try to give a person a death sentence, or life in prison “Without Parole” only on circumstantial evidence. Justification for this kind of sentencing can only be made with hard factual evidence. Governor, Senators and Speaker, every day we read in the newspapers someone is getting out of prison because of new DNA evidence being found, or a new DNA test has been invented. Well, where is the balance for people who have been convicted on circumstantial evidence? When no physical evidence exist in a case it becomes impossible to prove your innocence. Today, it would seem one rule covers all events that fall into a specific category...such as crimes that fall under "capital felony". It needs to be changed by people who refuse to give the rule of law to another RULE... instead of giving it to a thinking person. Legislation I would like you to consider. I would ask that legislation be crafted that would not allow a person convicted on circumstantial evidence to receive a life term without parole. Please make this retroactive for all persons now being held in Florida jails. Have all persons that fall into this category go in front of a parole board for a review. If they have served an amount of time the board feels is just, and they have not been getting in any trouble while incarcerated, what would be the harm in giving them their life back? It would also save Florida some money and relieve the overcrowding in our prisons. Ron Tramontano
Friday, May 20, 2011
Is actress Angelina Jolie a martial arts aficionado?
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Jan 17, Child Obesity Facts
Understanding child obesity facts is the first lesson to be learned before we can solve the problem. Childhood obesity has grown to be an epidemic that has health professionals scurrying to help families cope with the problem and find solutions. It is obvious that poor nutrition and lack of exercise are the major contributors of child obesity.
Modern technology has lured our children into sedentary lifestyles. Between cell phones, computers, and video games they are getting less exercise and while engaging in these activities they are developing eating disorders.
There was a time when most children walked to and from school. This may not seem like much exercise but it is, in fact, more than they may be getting now. Parents feel a need to do the school run because of work schedules or other family reasons and as a result their children don't get the morning exercise.
Since over one third of school aged children are considered either overweight or obese it is fair to say that they are not alone in dealing with the obese issue. This is important for them to understand so they don't feel singled out. Many times when children realize that it is not only their issue they will respond more favorably to open dialog rather than acting out.
Parents of an obese child can improve their child's self esteem by emphasizing the child's strengths and positive qualities rather than just focusing on their weight problem. It is imperative that we educate our children on the facts about proper nutrition as well as exercise.
We also have to practice good eating and shopping habits ourselves. Restocking our shelves with health snacks and adding more fruits and vegetables to our refrigerators will help encourage better eating habits.
Make It A family Affair
Involving our children in meal planning as well as cooking meals together will help them learn about the child obesity facts and encourage them to practice better nutrition. During mealtime it is best to serve from the kitchen rather than the table to discourage the desire for a second helping.
Unfortunately the facts are that many obese children grow up to be obese adults. Child obesity does not have to be a permanent condition . It can be cured with proper nutrition and exercise.
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Home | About Me | RSS/Blog | Contact Us?2008-2011 Help Cure Child Obesity - All Rights ReservedSuccess has a simple formula: do your best, and people may like it. Sam Ewing
Jan 17, Weight Loss Cover Up Exposed
If you have never heard of Weight Loss Cover Up Exposed you are missing out on a great resource. Why are so many children and adults fighting obesity and weight issues? Why do certain foods cause allergies? Diet and exercise are the key components to weight loss, however, I can provide you with information on how to feed your whole family and avoid the consequences of obesity.
Astrid Lasco, B.Sc. was determined to know the facts so she spent two years on research. What she discovered is that there are only a few substances that should be avoided to lose weight. Thankfully she compiled her research into an easy to read and understand format.
The result was weight loss cover up exposed. I was in awe by her courage, tenacity, and integrity in writing this e-book. Thanks to her ?out of the box? thinking she has helped thousands lose the unwanted pounds and get their health back.
What Weight Loss Cover-Up Exposed Is All About
It explains to you what foods and substances that must be avoided. ( a few surprises).
Why the craze on ?bad cholesterol? is a myth and how it is making people ill.
What specific dietary fats will help you lose your own body fat.
Why you should not follow the current nutritional guidelines. Facts and sources to back up her claim.
How to know the difference between synthetic vitamins and natural vitamins.
What food additives can make you sick.
Why no-fat, low-fat, no-calorie foods make you gain weight.
And more.
Astrid's initial presentation is lengthy but it is also captivating. Her e-book provides responses to questions that no one, until now, have been able to answer. Her book comes with 12 bonus gifts. I particularly feel that the listing of GM foods and non GM foods is worth the price of the book alone. It is much easier than trying to remember each product.
I have never been a proponent to quick weight loss diets but since she has had requests on the subject she has included them in her bonuses. It is noted that these quick weight loss solutions should not be used for any real length of time. Be sure to follow her guidance when implementing a quick weight loss diet.
The most important thing is for you to get the facts. Hopefully you and your family will lose weight like Astrid did when she found out about these secrets.
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Home | About Me | RSS/Blog | Contact Us?2008-2011 Help Cure Child Obesity - All Rights ReservedSuccess has a simple formula: do your best, and people may like it. Sam Ewing
Jan 17, Obesity camps
If you find yourself contemplating obesity camps for your overweight children you probably have tried every diet under the sun. You've come to the conclusion that its camp or surgery. From where I am sitting weightloss camp sounds like a lot more fun.
Surgery comes at a cost that is more than financial. What if there are complications during surgery?What happens after surgery?What is learned by having surgery?We live in a fast paced society and people want things done quickly. Surgery fits into that category. Your child will lose a lot of weight fast. Which brings me back to what is learned! Weightloss camp, on the other hand, is not about losing weight fast it is about learning how to lose weight and making changes in lifestyle to ensure that the weight stays off. Weightloss camp eliminates the worry of complications and best of all its educational. Weightloss camp beats surgery.
Most weightloss camps have guidelines before acceptance into their program. These guidelines will vary from camp to camp but the reasoning is more or less the same. They want their campers to be desperate and determined to reach their goals. The two keys to weight loss are nutrition and exercise. A good weightloss camp helps your child learn about nutrition and find fun ways to get exercise. Your child will be introduced to activities that he or she would never indulge in prior to camp for fear of ridicule or embarrassment. All campers are equal, they are at camp for the same reasons and they are all overweight.
The objectives of weightloss camps are to teach skills that will be practiced long after camp ends. These include making changes in eating habits, increasing the amount of daily exercise, and making adjustments in lifestyles. Your child will benefit from improved self esteem, body image, and overall health. The main difference between between weightloss camp and summer camp is the group sessions and the quality of the staff. Many campers come back to be councilors because of the learning experience and how camp changed their lives.
Tips On Choosing Obesity Camps
When choosing obesity camps it is important to do your own research. When you check their website look for the camper to councilor ratio and see if they have a testimonial page. Find out about their dietary program and qualifications of their staff. Do they have a post camp support system. How long have they been in business and do they have financing available. Obesity camp does come with a price tag but when it comes to your childs health. Priceless!
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? Home | About Me | RSS/Blog | Contact Us?2008-2011 Help Cure Child Obesity - All Rights ReservedSuccess has a simple formula: do your best, and people may like it. Sam Ewing
Jan 17, Escape From Obesity
If you or your obese child feels imprisoned by obesity now is the time to escape from obesity. Child obesity has received much attention over the past few decades because it is the most common nutritional disorder among children and teens in the United States.
The problem is children don't have much control over their environment which means it starts with the parents. When parents have negative attitudes towards food and exercise their children are exposed to the same negative attitudes. Parents are the leaders and need to set the example. Children are the followers and since they have little control over their environment they have to accept the offerings.
In order to escape from obesity you need a well executed plan. It all starts with making changes in lifestyle and creating a healthier environment. A good place to start is by cleaning out the cupboards of junk food and replacing it with healthier choices.
The escape from obesity plan is very simple and effortless but it requires commitment and a family effort. The benefits will far outweigh the sacrifices. How we eat is as important as what we eat. Slow down.
At mealtime try to engage in some provocative conversation to control speed eating. Eating is not a race. Take the time to enjoy every bite because eating too fast is the quickest way to over eat. Controlled eating makes you feel more full, you will enjoy the food more, and you end up eating less.
The escape from obesity plan begins with controlled eating. The benefits are more control over weight management, portion control ( you may even eat less), and less stress. Eating slower allows you and your family to unwind and relax from a busy day. Speed eating contributes to child obesity.
Many people use food to sooth hurt feelings or as way of dealing with stress not realizing or caring that it is counter productive to weight loss. If you want to escape from obesity you need to control emotional eating.
Emotional eating or comfort eating is one of the main causes of overeating. One of the problems with emotional eating is the type of foods that emotional eaters choose. They are generally high in fats and sugars because they boost energy levels leaving us feeling less sorrowful, at least for the moment.
Emotional eaters need to find more productive methods of venting their anger, stress, and other emotional outbursts. They need to identify the triggers that cause emotional eating such as: what, when, where, and why. Emotional eating has nothing to do with hunger. When the urge for emotional eating arises try to involve yourself in an activity to get your mind off the food. Positive thoughts will help you escape obesity.
Exercise - All Gain No Pain
We all know that in order to escape from obesity regular exercise is required. For a lot of people the thought of the gym causes them to cringe. Don't feel badly if you feel this way because there is a painless solution.
Weight loss experts will tell you that in order to lose weight you need to make a change in lifestyle. These words are true, however, there are some simple actions that you can make in your daily routine that will help you lose those unwanted pounds without too much extra effort.
Most people start their day with a hot shower. This is a great opportunity to not only get squeaky clean but also start a morning mini exercise program. Depending on the ages of your children and the severity of their weight problem I would advise parental guidance.
While you are rinsing off place your feet against the sides of the shower stall and lean forward until your arms reach the shower walls. With your fingers pointing upwards do a few standing push ups. Don't over do it the day has just begun but do enough to feel the muscles in your arms, chest, and shoulders. Repeat this procedure daily and you will be amazed by how such a simple action can help your body and at the same time you are getting a good stretch to start your day.
Everybody knows that walking is great aerobic exercise and you do see more and more people taking a good stroll in the park. Try to make walking as a family a part of your weekly routine.
The next time you are out walking open up your gait just a little bit and count to thirty. You can repeat this as much as you like and the next time maybe you can get to a forty five count. This action can be done anyplace at any time. Walking from your car to the grocery store, walking from the mall parking lot, to name a few suggestions.
On the subject of the mall another great idea is to park further away from the main entrance . You actually aren't saving much time by parking close to the entrance because by the time it takes to find an empty parking space you could already be parked and getting that good stroll in.
One of my favorite suggestions involves passive modes of transportation in public places. Try using the stairs instead of the elevator. The action of stair walking is superb for building your leg muscles. I do not suggest this if you have bad knees because you are carrying seven times your body weight and the pressure on your knees would be too much.
If you live or work in a high rise simply use the stairs for one or two stories and take the elevator the rest of the way. The same holds true for escalators at airports. There are a few exceptions such as Chicago O'Hare. I do know for a fact that it is a long haul from the tarmac to the main airport and even I take the escalator.
These are just a few suggestions on how to escape from obesity on a daily basis. It would not surprise me if you could think of a dozen other ways without breaking your daily routine. Stop and think about what you do and how you get there? I'm sure that you could think of several other ways that you can escape obesity with no pain and all gain.
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Home | About Me | RSS/Blog | Contact Us?2008-2011 Help Cure Child Obesity - All Rights ReservedSuccess has a simple formula: do your best, and people may like it. Sam Ewing
Jan 5, Ann Siegs renegade marketer
Ann Siegs renegade marketer system was first introduced in 2007 and its popularity was a pleasant surprise particularly to Ann. The system was first designed to aid multi- level marketers; since this was Ann's main field.
However, the tools, process, and theory has since helped thousands of online marketers build successful marketing businesses. The reason for this is because Ann made just about every mistake that a network marketer could make. Her mistakes are now benefiting newbies at marketing as well as seasoned veterans.
Her theory is about building relationships, trust, giving away information, and being a solutions provider through attraction marketing.
Network marketing is sales and her system shows you how to create a steady stream of targeted prospects and at the same time generate an income on your advertising efforts. The best part is, Ann wants you to have success and Ann Siegs renegade marketer system teaches you, in a no nonsense fashion, how to have success and after you understand the theory she shows you how to mentor your team and explains why mentoring is important.
Ann Siegs Renegade Marketer System is packed with over 100 pages of specialized information about how this system works and why. My internet marketing experience was very limited when I first started so I didn't have any bad habits. What most impressed me was how brave Ann was to think ?out of the box? and publish this e-book.
It works like this: when a person purchases Ann Siegs renegade marketer system you receive a 50% commission, plus you get a small commission on their sales, and you also get their name and e-mail address. This allows you to build a relationship and trust with your prospect.
You simply offer help, answer questions, and possibly build a business relationship together. The back office has over 40 different affiliate codes with well respected and tested companies such as clickbank, commission junction, Aweber, and other helpful links related to network marketing.
If it had not been for Ann Siegs renegade marketer system I never would have built this website. There are 2 reasons for that. First, I never would have learned the process and theory which is what inspired me to pursue my passion about childhood obesity. Second, because I never would have known about Site Build It, which is one of the many useful links in the back office.
Site Build It and Ann Siegs Renegade Marketer System fit together like ? hand in glove?. I signed up for this system through her son Isaiah's affiliate link. He is my team leader.
Since this is a 2 tier program he made a commission on my purchase of this system and also off my purchase of Site Build It. Not bad since he let the tools do the work for him and I was within his target audience.
If you find that this system is not for you there is a 100% money back no questions asked guarantee. The cost is only $67.00. With very little effort this system will pay for itself.
Two sales and you break even. I managed to do this within my first week without having a website. I placed an ad on Craigslist and actually showed a profit without spending a dime on advertising. The rest is history.
Ann Is At It Again
The History OfAnn Siegs Renegade Marketer Professional
Ann Siegs Renegade Marketer Professional has a rather brief yet very successful history. Before I get into the nuts and bolts about this system I would like to explain what it is all about.
Attraction Marketing is the newest and most effective form of marketing. The concept is to position yourself as an expert by providing value, information, and solutions by first selling yourself.
Ann Siegs Renegade Marketer Professional will teach you why it is important to give away free information and how to provide value by being a solutions provider. The benefit is the relationships that you gain by being an information provider.
Ann Sieg and Mike Klingler, two of the top network marketing gurus, have teamed up to create a proven state of the art system that they guarantee with a 30 day money back guarantee.
Ann Sieg had been working on creating the new model for network marketers for nine months. What makes this system stand out from the crowd is the methodology that Ann, with the help of Mike Klingler, has developed.
The concept is to teach present and future network marketers by utilizing tutorials and Mikes expertise as an instructor. I prefer to call it " follow the leader".
Ann has more than fulfilled her promise when she once said
"this is projected to launch a whole new series of websites, tools and resources that are going to revolutionize the way information is taught and distributed in the network marketing industry. The demand for training, experts, teachers and coaches in this new model of network marketing is unprecedented and may be even bigger than the broader home based industry once it hits full swing."
On April 2, 2009 Ann Siegs Renegade Marketer Professional went into full swing for a brief period of time. Brief meaning less than 12 hours. Ann and Mike didn't want to overwhelm the customer service department and jeopardize the value to its new members.
What happened was at 11:00 a.m the doors were opened for members of the original Renegade Network Marketer System who opted in for Ann Siegs Renegade Marketer Professional Grand Opening. It was also open to a select group of people outside of the Renegade Network Marketers System who signed up for the early bird special.
They knew or thought they knew what their servers could handle. At 12:00 the doors were open to the general public and it was like a stampede. The servers nearly crashed and over 38,000 people were left at the doors. That is what I call a successful Grand Opening.
Finally after the dust settled, and presumably more servers, Ann and Mike decided to reopen the doors again. On April 6, 2009 the doors opened again for The Renegade Network Professional for a period of 2 days.
Ann Siegs Renegade Marketer Professional
The Best Back Office On The Net
Once you become a member you will have access to the most complete marketing tutorial system on the web. Your guide will lead you step by step on your marketing journey. Take your time and digest as much as you can.
The beauty of tutorials is you can always pause them to catch up or rewind to be sure to get it right the first time. Open a second window and do as Mike Klingler, in most cases, instructs. Click by click you will learn more attraction marketing techniques than you ever could imagine.
Here is the plan and steps.
Start Here Checklist:
It should take 1 week to 1 month to complete this section. This where it all begins. You will have 2 short pages of text to read. One is a welcome letter to get you prepared. The other a "Prepare yourself to win" letter. explaining the back office and setting goals.
Your third action step is to get centered on a goal. There are 3 tutorials here: Building a list of prospects in automated fashion ( 10 minutes)How to customize and personalize your training plan and business development webinar. (1hr.52min.)Getting familiar with the back office. (10 minutes)
Next edit profile, Set up your personal site (all you really need to do is buy a domain name from around $10.00), follow the steps as outlined in prepare yourself as a professional, (Go Daddy will include an e-mail for you to be professional), and a 90 day action plan in PDF format.
You will then be directed to the main page.
Account optionsEvent calenderarchived eventscoaches and trainersmarketing merge newsReferralsAffiliatesThe last two are the meat of the systemAttraction marketing tutorials: (7 tutorials)
Free or low cost methods: (3 tutorials)
Social Marketing Phase 1:
Take Your Marketing To The Next Level: (6 tutorials)
This is worth the cost of The Renegade Network Marketer Professional in itself. Keyword usage, finding profitable keywords, linking your articles, how to get high rankings on Google, and more.
Social Marketing Phase II:
Content Sharing (6 tutorials)Article Marketing (1 tutorial)Book Marking (5 tutorials)Social Sites (2 tutorials)Video Marketing (4 tutorials)Video Sharing (7 tutorials)Look Over My Shoulder (1 tutorial)Hiring Writers (4 tutorials, 1 article)Misc. Tutorials (9 tutorials)Podcasting Training ( 2 tutorials)Traffic exchanges ( 1 tutorial)Craigslist ( 1 article)Options That Cost:
Google adwords (10 tutorials)Targeted Website Advertising (coming soon)Ezines (coming soon)Attraction Prospecting:Using The Phone (7 tutorials)
Writing With Pull (5 tutorials)
Lead Capture Pages (10 tutorials)
E-Mail Marketing (10 tutorials)
Finding And Marketing Your Niche (4 tutorials)
Creating Information Products (1 tutorial)
Lead Capture Pages (5 pre-made for you with your affiliate link)
Banner Ads For Back To School (7 for Renegade University)
Resources (9 tutorials)
Ad Tracker (coming soon)
Back To School ( Renegade University)
Step 1 (1 tutorial)step 2 (9 tutorials)step 3 (4 webinars totaling 4 hr. 45 min.)Problems And Solutions
There was only one problem. Due to popular demand Ann Siegs Renegade Marketer Professional had to close its doors temporarily so as to provide the best value to their members.
In order to be sure to get your opportunity I would first suggest getting started with the Renegade University.
You will learn the core elements of the marketing system and get into action. Once you are ready to upgrade to the professional you will have a solid footing and be ahead of the curve.
If you are not sure how to get started your not alone. That is the primary reason this system was created using video tutorials for ease of use. Take the tour and you be the judge. Watch this video titled Better Than Google
you can even gain access to Ann Siegs Renegade Marketer Professional and actually see the online tutorial on squidoo and learn why this is popular and powerful.
Ann Sieg and Mike Klingler did their homework when they created the Renegade Network Marketer Professional. They have put together an extensive well organize system that is fool proof and they back it up with their 30 day money back guarantee.
The best way to get started is to become a free member of the Renegade University. You will learn how attraction marketing works, what to do when socializing for business and what not to do. This is the starting point for building a solid foundation on which your business will grow.
The click by click tutorials will show you how to set up accounts with the social networks that are keyword focused for your business and how to use the networks for your business.
The best part is this will work for anyone from beginners to veterans. If you want an online business (one that you choose) that will generate free targeted traffic and become a lead generating machine by position yourself as an expert then this is for you. And its free to join.
A Marketing Motto To Live By Action plus little training = frustrationTraining plus little action = poor resultsAn equal balance of training and action = an explosive online business that generates leads to your business because you have positioned yourself as an expert and have prospects contacting you because they want to hear what you have to say
To learn more visit my blog:
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Success has a simple formula: do your best, and people may like it. Sam Ewing
Friday, April 8, 2011
Jan 17, Child Obesity In America Forums
Our child obesity in America forums is an opportunity for our readers to ask questions, make comments, or even let the world hear about how they handle child obesity issues. The service is free. There is no registration process or login required and it's easy to do. Once your submission has been accepted you will have a dedicated page on our website. You can then tell your friends and family how you built a web page that is live on the internet. Simply direct them to our Child Obesity In America Forums page and gloat.
Child obesity in America is a growing problem and there are numerous topics that are open for discussion. This is your chance to ask one or answer one. How do you handle always being hungry? How do you talk to your child about weight gain? What works for you and what does not work for you? Are eating disorders psychological problems? Does your teen crave fast food?
Welcome to our online family, Together we can conquer obesity and find answers to our problems. The concept here is to help and be helped. Let's hear your voice today!
The links below are popular e-mailed topics. Possibly you have a question that has already been answered and want to contribute. Feel free to make a comment. Of course, you can always contact us the traditional way if you prefer more personalized attention. Perhaps you have a suggestion for a new topic to be added to the Child Obesity In America Forums. This forum is by the community and for the community. See what others have contributed below.
Teen Eating Disorders:
Our teen eating disorders forum can be found on our Eating Disorders page. You can submit your question or use the comment form on that page. This forum is not limited to only teens.
Overweight Children:
overweight children are at risk of serious health issues. The consequences go deeper because of the psychological effects of obesity. Poor self esteem and social isolation are barriers that need to broken. Our forum is located on our Overweight page. Ask a question, post a comment, or share your experiences with our community.
Parents Of Obese Children:
Parenting an obese child can cause heartache and pain. Some groups of people want to punish parents for raising an obese child. This does not help solve the problem it only adds fuel to the fire. Our forum is on our Parents page.
What Causes Teen Obesity:
There are many causes of teen obesity. The main causes are poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Television, computers, and video games all contribute to sedentary lifestyles. Our forum is located on our Obesity page. Ask a question, post a comment, or share with us your personal experiences.
How I Did This:
Our How I Did This Questions And Answers Forum is located on our How I Did This page. People often ask how to build a website about their hobby or passion. This is a place to share past experiences, offer help, and learn more about creating an online presence.
Dr. Ken Evoy's Site Build It
Due to popular demand we have added a dedicated and concise review of Site Build It. This new page is for anyone who has thought about starting a work from home business or is thinking about starting one. Its different from our "How I did This" page because it goes into more detail about Content Management Systems and how SBI works. This is the page to share personal experiences and to learn from others experiences.
For specific questions or concerns use our contact us form and someone will respond back to you.
Do you have a topic that you'd like added to our Child Obesity in America forums?
This is the place where you can make a suggestion for a new topic to be included in our main forums. Your suggestion will create your very own sub-forum giving you bragging rights. Be sure to let your friends know all about it.
( suggestions will be shown below the entry form)
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Do you have a question or personal story to tell? We'd love to hear it. No membership to join, it's free, and we'll dedicate a special page on our site just for your story. Or scroll down and make a comment on what others have contributed.
What Other Visitors Have SaidClick below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
Home | About Me | RSS/Blog | Contact Us?2008-2011 Help Cure Child Obesity - All Rights ReservedSuccess has a simple formula: do your best, and people may like it. Sam Ewing
Jan 5, The Body Mass Index Formula
The body mass index formula is an equation based on body weight adjusted for height. It is mostly used by doctors to diagnose patients that are overweight or obese. Its primary purpose is to provide an estimation of body fat percentage in relation to an individuals height and weight. It's not, however a completely accurate assessment and many health professionals will agree.
You need to take into consideration peoples overall body composition and age. For instance, muscular people will have a higher body mass index than those that have less muscle, such as the elderly. When two people have the same body mass index it does not necessarily mean that they have the same body fat percentage. For example, men generally will have a lower body fat percentage than women.
Knowing that the body mass index formula does not measure body fat percentage should help you in assessing the state of your obese child's health.
Body Fat Percentage - The Big Picture
It's first helpful to know what percentage of your obese child's total weight is comprised of fat. There are several methods available of doing this. However, it is worth noting that if you already know the body fat percentage of your child is higher than it should be then proper nutrition and exercise is the best solution. For those who are curious here are a few examples.
Hydrostatic Weighing
Also known as underwater weighing. This is by far the most accurate means to calculate fat percentage but it can be rather expensive and is not something that can be done at home. This method is performed by being totally submerged in water. Knowing that fat is less dense than muscle and bones it is fairly easy to calculate the fat percentage.
Body Fat Calipers
This is a much more affordable alternative and is readily available. Use the calipers to take a pinch of skin and record the measurements. This is usually done at several different locations of your body and it is recommended to use the same location when you check on your progress. You then use the body mass index formula to determine the body fat percentage. If you plan on using this method my advice is not to purchase the cheap calipers they are not very accurate.
Bioelectrical Impedence Analysis or BIA
This method uses body fat scales that send a safe small electrical current through the body to calculate the amount of body fat tissue. Your body fat percentage is then calculated based on height, weight, age and sex. It is a harmless method and fairly accurate. These scales are available in the marketplace and reasonably priced.
The Final Analysis
Helping your child overcome obesity is a challenge. Sometimes it is best to have some facts and figures enabling them to compare their overall progress.
The starting point would be to first know what their ideal weight should be. This way they have a goal to reach. At first it may appear to be an unattainable goal so you need to offer encouragement and even volunteer to participate.
Design a chart that you can use to record the body mass index formula results in and set a schedule for checking on their progress. Maybe even set up a file on the computer to keep track of their progress.
Or perhaps you are unhappy with the results and need some help. You are not alone in feeling this way sometimes the hardest thing to do is to ask. We are all built differently and our needs differ as well. If you find yourself in this situation feel free to contact us for answers to your questions and ideas on how to solve the problem.
Return to What Causes Teen Obesity Page from "Body Mass Index Formula".
Home | About Me | RSS/Blog | Contact Us?2008-2011 Help Cure Child Obesity - All Rights ReservedSuccess has a simple formula: do your best, and people may like it. Sam Ewing
Jan 5, Blame For Teen Obesity
When you consider who to blame for teen obesity - think about this - over 15% of teenagers in the United States are obese. What's worse is that over 15% of pre-teens are also considered obese. Children are developing adult diseases such as type II diabetes and high blood pressure at very young age.
Teenagers are being placed in jeopardy of increased risk for heart diseases as well as other diseases related to obesity. Overweight kids are a prime target for taunting, bullying, and teasing which effects their self esteem and can put them at risk of emotional disorders such as depression. Identifying the blame for teen obesity is a topic that will be debated for a very long time.
Children today have been exposed to more technology than any generation before them. The personal computer is the most modern technological invention that is like a magnet to kids. When kids start serfing the net they lose complete track of time and become more sedentary. Most times while using the computer they are snacking on junk food adding to the obesity problem.
We can't put the blame for teen obesity solely on computers. Television and video games are equally responsible for kids being less physically active.
Convenience stores and fast food restaurants are everywhere and most of their advertising targets children. Whether it is to get that next monopoly piece, have the newest big gulp, or the toys included with meals. Children have easy access to junk food that is high in fat and sugars.
We can't put the blame for teen obesity on our children, after all, they are just kids who can't resist sweets and treats. It is true that many times obese children have one or more obese parents. You could summarize that teen obesity is caused by poor habits passed on by their parents or genetics.
Who can we blame for teen obesity? We could blame Bill Gates for being a genius! We could blame Ray Kroc for buying out brothers Dick and Mac McDonald! We could blame 7/11 for being the first to introduce ?super sizing? when they came out with the big gulp! The problem is we would get the same answer from all of them. ?We didn't force you to make a purchase?. The blame may be under our own roofs.
We can't control the fast food industry and how they advertise. Although there have been rumblings about banning fast food advertising in some venues such as was done with cigarette advertising. Which was effective.
What we can control is our own lifestyles and how we manage our families. Setting limits on television usage, computer usage, and creating a healthier home is something that you can do.
Parents are role models to their children and children like to imitate their parents. Its never too late to make changes in lifestyles and eating habits. It means making adjustments and creating a healthier family.
Start by doing an inventory of the types of foods in the house. Eliminate the junk and stock up on more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Eat foods that are high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, low in fat, lean in protein, and cholesterol free.
Limit sugary foods, salt, and refined grain products such as breads, pastas, and breakfast cereal that are not whole grain.
Get the whole family moving by finding fun ways to get exercise. Exercise should not be torture so look for how you can make a family outing include physical activity. Bowling, walking, hiking, anything that the whole family can enjoy together.
Sometimes getting control of weight requires a little help. Proper diet, exercise, and a good natural herbal remedy will get the metabolism moving and restore balance. This way if you are ever asked: Who is to blame for teen obesity? You can hold your head up high and say ?not this family."
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Success has a simple formula: do your best, and people may like it. Sam Ewing
Jan 17, Child Obesity
Child obesity rates have been increasing steadily over the past 3 decades among all different age groups, races, and educational levels. There are too many factors that can increase the risk of childhood obesity to list them all.
Everyday we can come up with another reason from: too much television, too much video game playing, too much fast food, too much computer usage, too much eating, not enough exercise, its hereditary, school pressures, family problems, environmental influences, and on and on. Each one of these are legitimate reasons for the increase in obesity. However, parents, schools, and even the community can be influential in preventing and solving the problem of child and adolescent obesity.
Parents: It All Starts At Home
From the time our children are born parents are the nurturers and role models. Parents shape our children's environment from day one making typical parental decisions. They decide when and where their children will eat, what quality and quantity of foods that are provided, and what type and amount of exercise that their children get. Of course, these are the key elements to good health. Diet, exercise, and nutrition.
Being a positive role model is critical since children from an early age mimic their parents habits. If you have a taste for certain foods and serve those foods to your children regularly they will tend to carry those tastes into adulthood. In other words if you crave carrots your children will have a liking for carrots. If you have a sweet tooth though, the same is true. Setting a good example with healthy eating habits will help fight childhood obesity.
Home is where, from an early age, habits are formed both good and bad. As the numbers of families in need of dual wage earners increases the home environment changes due to the lack of supervision, cooking less nutritious foods, and not having enough quality active time with the children. Since parental examples are not being instilled in their children; exercise and how they are eating is compromised which many times leads to obesity.
Children who have one or more obese parents have a high probability of being obese adults. Genetics do have a role in this but many times it has more to do with family lifestyle such as: stocking the refrigerator with fruits and vegetables, limiting television viewing time, eating together as a family and keeping them physically active. Parents can be influential in preventing and solving the problem of child obesity.
Community Influences
Outside of family gatherings the local community is the first taste of the social scene for most children. Whether its church, the local YMCA/YWCA, or events at the town hall.
Local communities are well aware of the obesity epidemic and know that it is a worldwide problem. Many have taken positive steps to create a gathering place for children for recreational activities.
Towns have changed planning codes to develop more open space and walking or bike riding paths to encourage more physical activity. Some have put limits on fast food restaurants and vending machines near popular hang outs for children. Towns have become aware of the need for children to have a safe place to play outside of their homes. They realize that children will become too inactive if they don't, which could lead to childhood obesity.
As the number of pedestrian injuries, abductions, and deaths climb parents naturally are more cautious about allowing them to frequent these open spaces unescorted. The community is trying hard to help families fight child obesity by making positive changes in development.
School Influence
Aside from summer vacation children spend more time in school than they do at the home during the daylight hours. Many schools have incorporated nutrition into their curriculum - teaching students about good eating habits and proper exercise. Vending machines have been banned at some schools and the Federal Government has regulations on the nutritional content of the lunch program.
Poor nutrition can influence academic achievement and issues with concentration. Obese children miss more school due to health reasons or taunting than non obese children . Schools do have an influence on child obesity.
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Home | About Me | RSS/Blog | Contact Us?2008-2011 Help Cure Child Obesity - All Rights ReservedSuccess has a simple formula: do your best, and people may like it. Sam Ewing
Jan 17, Teen Diets
Teen diets are often notoriously poor in health benefits and rich in the wrong kinds of nutrients. This is because teenagers are concerned more with self image than good nutrition.
Teenage girls, especially, worry about how thin they look. Teenagers can develop unhealthy perspectives on body image, which can lead to fad dieting and poor eating habits.
Teen Diets And Peer Pressure
Teens are always under a lot of pressure from peers. The image of the beautiful cheerleader and muscle bound football player is really still in existence. Yet teen obesity continues to grow, which means there are a lot of teens facing serious self-esteem issues.
Teenagers are notorious for making the wrong decisions, and that often leads to the decision to use over-the-counter diet pills, or to try the newest fad diet.
The only diet a teen should follow is the "no-fad" diet. The no-fad diet is one that relies on good food choices that provide the nutrients needed to accommodate changing bodies.
This diet includes eating balanced meals on a daily basis, adding low fat dairy products and calcium enriched foods, and getting plenty of exercise. There are no diet pills or meal skipping allowed.
Fortifying the Body
Teenagers are half child and half adult, with bodies in a rapid state of change. A teenager has special dietary requirements that must be met in order to maintain a healthy weight and to enter adulthood free from the beginnings of disease.
Teenagers need more calcium and iron in their diet to accommodate growing bones and organs. They need more calories so the body has the nutrients it needs to grow, but they must be the right kind of calories.
Teenagers need to stay away from fast food, fad diets and diet pills. Parents have a responsibility to monitor their teen's diet just like they do their younger children. It is too easy to let the almost-adult teen make food choices without guidance, and yet this is a time of life when guidance is needed.
Parents should talk to their teens about their eating habits, assist with establishing a healthy weight loss program or an affordable weight loss camp if necessary and discuss self-image issues. Families should continue to eat meals together, and use the time to continue educating the teen about nutrition and the dangers of fad dieting.
Growing the Right Way
Teen diets should include a healthy balance of nutrients that supply the requirements of a growing body. Teens who are overweight or obese face many issues they should not have to confront at such an early age. These include peer ridicule, inability to participate in typical teenage activities such as sports, and self-image problems.
There is a right way and a wrong way for teens to lose weight, and the right way is learning to choose the right foods while increasing the amount of exercise.
Subscribe to my e-zine ?Our Children - Our Future? and receive a free e-book ?The Secrets Of Successful Long-Term Weight Control.? The download is available on the e-zine confirmation page. We love getting feedback about your visit. post your comments here.
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Home | About Me | RSS/Blog | Contact Us?2008-2011 Help Cure Child Obesity - All Rights ReservedSuccess has a simple formula: do your best, and people may like it. Sam Ewing
Jan 17, The New Food Pyramid Guide
The new food pyramid is a great way for parents to teach their children how to eat healthy. It is more colorful with an array of vertical stripes representing each of the five food groups plus one for fats and oils.
In 2005 the United States Department of Agriculture released the food pyramid in hopes of educating people on how to eat healthy. Soon after they came up with a version of the new food pyramid strictly for children. The children's version has an image of a little girl climbing a staircase towards the top of the pyramid. The idea was to show children that exercise is important and small changes step by step will lead to better health.
The USDA did a nice job with new food pyramid in subtle ways. Some of the stripes on the pyramid are thinner than others representing the need to eat less of those kinds of foods and more of the foods represented by the wider stripes.
Also the stripes are wider at the base and thinner at the top to show that some foods within a group are more healthy than others. In other words: eating baked skinless chicken would be in the wider section of the stripe as opposed to the same chicken deep fried.
The new food pyramid will show you how much you need from each food group for a healthy diet. The guidelines and amounts vary between gender, age, and activity level. Some examples of what you will find in the food pyramid are as follows:
Half of your grain servings should come from whole grains. Such as: Whole wheat bread, brown rice, and oatmeal.
Grain Recommended Intake
Children aged 4-8Females aged 9-13Females aged 14-18Males aged 9-13Males aged 14-18
Buy fresh vegetables whenever possible and avoid canned vegetables.
Vegetable Recommended Intake Children aged 4-8Females aged 9-13Females aged 14-18Males aged 9-13Males aged 14-18
Fresh, sweet fruit should be a part of a healthy diet.
Fruit Recommended Intake Children aged 4-8Females aged 9-18Males aged 9-13Males aged 14-18
Milk and other calcium rich foods
Purchase low-fat or fat-free milks and cheeses. You can also look for juices that are calcium fortified.
Milk Recommended Intake Children aged 2-8Young people aged 9-18
Meats and Beans
Meats and beans are a great source of iron and other key nutrients. Some examples are nuts, seeds, and cooked dry beans.
Meats and Beans Recommended Intake Children aged 4-8Females aged 9-18Males aged 9-13Males aged 14-18
The new food pyramid has three important lessons to be learned.
It teaches you how to make smart choices within the food groups.It shows you how to keep a balance between food intake and exercise. It teaches you how to get the most nutrition from calories
The United States Department of Agriculture's food pyramid website has other great tools for children as well as adults.
There is a menu planner which you can register for. This allows you to enter meal plans around the goals that you have set. After you get started you can even use the MyPyramidTracker. This online dietary and physical activity assessment tool provides you with information on the quality of your diet, physical activity status, and other nutritional information.
Their My Pyramid For Kids Page is designed for children aged 6-11 and comes with a food pyramid interactive game, tips for parents, coloring sheet, and more fun activities for children.
Food pyramids are also available by ethnics and cultures:
Native American Food Pyramid
Mediterranean Diet Pyramid
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Success has a simple formula: do your best, and people may like it. Sam Ewing
Jan 17, Ken Evoys Site Build It - A Review
One of the most frightening hurdles to starting an online business is creating a website. Ken Evoys Site Build It! eased those fears and addressed the common questions and burdens facing work from home entrepreneurs.
Do I need to know programing ?I'm a small business person I can't afford to pay thousands for a website.Web builders look amateurish.Techies and geeks can only build websites.I know nothing about search engine optimization.
These were all legitimate concerns in the 90's. With the evolution of the internet and technology, building your own custom website is doable.
The newest development is called Content Management systems. You may have heard of CMS's before. They allow you to actually create a website right from your computers browser. You don't need to know HTML coding, You don't need to know SEO, You don't even need to know website design since they come with pre-made templates.
Dr. Ken Evoys Site Build It! took the concept of Content Management Systems, refined it, tweaked it, provided all the necessary tools, and even included a business instruction and marketing system like no other that I had ever seen.
When I first heard about Dr. Ken Evoys Site Build It! I wasn't looking to build a website. I was new to network marketing and thought I wanted to be an affiliate marketer.
My plan was to research the best affiliate marketing programs and build a blog to monetize these programs. I remember reading someplace that Site Build It doesn't do their own advertising. They rely on their members to promote the company which told me two things.
First; they must put out a decent product after all if it was junk who would promote it. Second; I thought I had to purchase an SBI site to become an affiliate partner.
What I found out was they have this special club called the 5 Pillar Club. So you don't have to own a site to be an affiliate. The Site Build It reviews convinced me that this was a good fit.
They pay generous commissions and its a two tiered program with lifetime commissions, so I joined the free 5 Pillar Club. This way I'd have the opportunity to learn about Dr. Ken Evoys Site Build It! and make a well informed decision if this was right for me.
The first thing that jumped out at me was the price. $299.00/year. That's less than a dollar a day so I wasn't expecting miracles.
Site Build It wants you to follow the necessary steps to build an online business. They won't even let you have a site until day 5 of the action guide.
Watch This Very Funny Video By Ashley; An SBI Member
I have to give them a lot of credit for waiting until the right time to choose the perfect domain name. Building an internet business or any business for that matter requires preparation, planning, and research.
I've seen this happen countless times someone goes off and chooses a domain name before they've researched the best site concept or done the keyword research finding high in demand and low in supply keywords that separates them from the competition.
The next thing you know they are hiring Site Sell Services to do it for them. Site Sell Services is top notch; the last I heard about 40% of SBI owners do use Site Sell Services in one form or another.
The thing is Dr Ken Evoys Site Build It! 10 day action guide is available to anyone who wants to watch or read it.
It should be renamed the 10 Action Step Guide. They won't even open up the monetization module until you have 30 pages built. Anyone who has any interest in having their own website whether its with SBI or not should view the action guide to fully understand the process.
????????????? Site Build It is famous for
The first 5 days are all about planning. You need to know what to sell, who to sell it to, and how to sell it. And that's what SBI is preparing your site for.
Once you've completed the proper research you can get to choosing your perfect domain name. Your domain name is included in the yearly cost of SBI along with hosting. But if you get too anxious and order your domain name before the research is complete its going to cost you another $50.00 to change it.
The best research tool on the planet is SBI's Brainstorm It tool. This multi functional tool is where all your research queries will be performed.
It even stores your most profitable keywords into a master keyword list which is your site blueprint. You can store up to 1000 keywords and that would be a 1000 page website. Each keyword being a new keyword focused content page.
After any Brainstormer query, you end up at the Master Keyword List ("MKL")...
The screen shot above is an example of Brainstorm It performing a site concept search. What I really like about Brainstorm It is how it breaks down the keywords from supply, demand, and profitability.
Dr. Ken Evoys Site Build It! teamed up with wordtracker to create this state of the art tool. So wordtracker is part of it. Wordtracker alone cost $329.00/year or $59.00/month so this shows you the real bargain that SBI is and thats just one of the cool tools.
There's another great research tool that comes with Ken Evoys Site Build It. With Search It! you can supplement your master keyword list among other functions. Competitive research, monetization research, domain naming, and its also available to non SBIers. Get your own Search It Tool here.
Site Build It goes into more detail about preparing for traffic, PREselling, writing good content, in the action guide days six through ten. Now that you've completed the research and have a website blueprint you can finally get to the Content Management part of Site Build It.
The first step is to choose and order your domain name. Once you do that you'll have access to Site Central and this is where you will actually build your website. I like how Dr. Ken Evoys Site Build It won't give you access to any module until you are ready.
Up to this point all you could do was research. Smart. Of course, if you ordered your domain name on day 1 you would have access to Site Central but there's a good chance your research would be shotty and after all you are trying to build a longterm profitable business, so be patient!
Now the fun begins! Here's where you choose the look and feel of your website. The Look and Feel Selector section has an assortment of templates to choose from.
and you can customize the colors, background, fonts, styles, etc. When you are done click select/save button. Adding content is a matter of filling out the sections as you work your way down the page.
The screen shot above shows you the first four dialog boxes. Notice the specific keyword is in each text entry field.
Adding content is a matter of filling out the sections as you work your way down the page. Dr. Ken Evoys Site Build It! block by block builder makes building your websites pages effortless. Once you get the hang of it building pages is a snap this allows you to concentrate on creating keyword focused content.
The last step is the most critical, checking your page for search engine optimization. Ken Evoys Site Build It has thought of everything. The analyze it module checks your page over for keyword usage, keyword placement, text links, and more before you post it to the web.
Then it tells you how to fix any problems and the importance factor. Once you pass the analyze it test you can feel confident that your page is ready to be submitted to the internet and they ping your page immediately to the major search engines.
Site Central also has a business center with useful tools to keep track of your sites traffic, search engine headquarters, value exchange, and more.
I particularly like the traffic stats module. You will find out how many visitors find your site per day/per month and how they found your site. It also keeps track of most visited pages, entry pages, exit pages, and what countries your visitors are coming from.
You've probably already figured out that I'm quite impressed with Ken Evoys Site Build It as a whole. Originally I was searching for the best affiliate program to promote and what I ended up with was a lot more than expected.
Keep in mind it takes a lot more than having a website to do business online. Your internet business needs targeted traffic, it needs customers, and you need to know how to PREsell those visitors into ready to buy customers.
Dr.Ken Evoys Site Build It! is more than a site builder its an education. SBI addresses traffic, preselling and monetization through their on going education and tools to help your business grow into a profitable business. They do this through the SBI process.
Remember they wouldn't give you a domain name until day 5? The same holds true for monetization and value exchange. Site Build It first concentrates on the C of C-T-P-M. Content.
The bottom line is anybody; and I mean anybody, who is motivated can build a great looking website with the included tools and be profitable. SBI never has and never will taut itself as a get rich quick program. If that's what you are looking for don't buy SBI. There are plenty of programs online that will give you a bunch of landing pages and a URL address and tell you how rich you will become overnight.
New! Do you have a story to tell about Ken Evoys Site Build It or any Content Management System for that matter? Possibly you have questions to ask about SBI or their affiliate program! Join the new community submission section for my readers. it's free, fun, and easy to do. Jump down to share your story and be heard. Or click here for what others have shared.
Site Build It only costs $299.00/year. How do they measure up....? Hosting: SBI's hosting is included in the annual fee. However, If this was only hosting that would break down to less than $25.00/mo. Which is a little steep in my book but a fair price. I might add that Site Build It's hosting is a little above average. It could use some improvement but they more than make up for what they lack in hosting with the tools.Domain Names are fairly inexpensive. $10.00 - $15.00 a year is reasonable. Included with SBI.Brainstorm It! Any tool with the ease of use and performance like Brainstorm It would come with a hefty price tag. Wordtracker today is $329.00/year and its included with Brainstorm It at no extra charge.Education Getting an education with SBI is free. Some webmasters are selling similar e-books to Site Build It's free Masters Courses for up to $50.00 a copy. Not to mention the other educational tools that would cost between $300.00 and $800.00 a copy.Content Management Systems don't include hosting, domain names, tools, training, forums, or resources and they cost around $300.00. Hiring a professional webmaster to do it for you would cost thousands.
Who Is Dr. Ken Evoys Site Build It For?
One Of My Favorite SBI Videos
In Conclusion:
Dr. Ken Evoys Site Build It! is a terrific value. Is it information overload? It can be! Will you get overwhelmed? You might! That's where the best educational resource comes in handy. The members only forums.
SBIers are like one big fraternity. They all want to help each other. You'll learn more in the forums than any e-book being sold online. You can even submit your site for review and get real honest opinions and helpful tips. Plus you'll look forward to their newsletter and blog.
Ken Evoys Site Build It is not for everyone. If you aren't willing to put the effort and work into your online business then don't waste your money. It takes what Dr. Ken likes to call BAM: Brains and Motivation.
On the other hand, if you have a passion , hobby, or knowledge about something; want to share it with the world and make a living off of it then Dr. Ken Evoys Site Build It! is for you.
Over 60% of Site Build It sites rank in the top 3% of all sites worldwide. That's because these guys know the process, search engine optimization, and how to teach it.
Read what other SBI owners have to say about Site Build It! Testimonials
Perhaps you are in a rush. Site Sell Services will build your first 10 pages for you or more if you like, (case studies) . Plus Site Build It has the best affiliate program with generous commissions and two tiers of lifetime commissions. Possibly you have specific questions that you need answers to. Ask your question here
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Site Build It! is clearly not your average Content Management System. Do you have a great story to tell about your own personal experience? CMS' are not for everyone; share your story so my readers can make well informed decisions. Share it!
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CMS Nightmare Not rated yet
As someone who has worked as an SEO Professional for several years, I've seen and worked with almost every CMS system you can possible imagine!
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Great Review Of Site Build It Not rated yet
Wow! That was the best review that I have read in a very long time. I am somewhat familiar with Site Build It, well; now I am much better informed.
A ...
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Success has a simple formula: do your best, and people may like it. Sam Ewing
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Jan 17, Child Weight Loss Camp
A child weight loss camp actually lasts long past summer, because the child learns how to maintain a healthy weight. A summer weight loss camp is not just about losing weight for the sake of losing weight. The camp program focuses on the management of diet and physical activity for losing and maintaining the right weight for the child's size.
Children's weight is a moving target as they grow and mature. The body mass index for a child will change every year, which means it's important to use the right measurement index for the age group. A camp that is dedicated to helping children lose weight assists each participant with weight loss on a weekly basis, but by teaching lifestyle changes that can continue at home.
This is one of the most important features of a weight loss camp for children. It's not a "fat farm" or a quick weight loss program. It is an adventure that teaches that choosing a healthy lifestyle can be fun and not an ordeal of self-deprivation. Overweight children are able to have fun and participate in a variety of physical activities without enduring the ridicule or loss of self-esteem experienced in school.
Sustaining a Healthy Lifestyle
A camp that has been designed for overweight children offers many advantages over other camps. The intent of the camp is to help overweight children lose their excess weight, but it is not done in a demanding or demeaning manner. Children are able to meet others who need to lose weight, too, and can share their experiences and issues.
There are many activities and programs that teach healthy lifestyle choices in interesting ways that children can understand. They learn about choosing the right foods, the dangers of fad diets, what it takes to get fit, and how to exercise by participating in a variety of activities. The children participate in many sports and events they would not even think about trying at school out of fear or ridicule.
The camps also focus on helping children restore their self-esteem. Overweight children frequently suffer feelings of low self-esteem, because other children have made them feel inadequate. At camp, the kids can participate in any physical activity they choose, and begin acting like children again.
A child weight loss camp teaches children how to lose weight the right way and how to keep it off long after camp ends.
Subscribe to my e-zine ?Our Children - Our Future? and receive a free e-book ?The Secrets Of Successful Long-Term Weight Control.? The download is available on the e-zine confirmation page. We love getting feedback about your visit. post your comments here.
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Home | About Me | RSS/Blog | Contact Us?2008-2011 Help Cure Child Obesity - All Rights ReservedSuccess has a simple formula: do your best, and people may like it. Sam Ewing