
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Becoming a true superhero

Becoming a true superhero in the eyes of our children will not be hard; it will however, require us to adapt a code of honor. For this, I plan to adapt the basic tenets of Tang Soo Do, a martial art, I am most familiar. If you were to research other martial arts systems you would find that the tenets of their systems are not so unlike the tenants of the system we are about to study.
Yong Gi – Courage: To exercise the courage of your convictions

Chung Shin Tong Il – Concentration: To stay focused and notice what you are getting from your actions.

In Neh - Endurance: The staying power needed to go the course.

Chung Jik – Honesty: Being honest with yourself and in touch with the way you feel about what you’re doing, will be a vital element in your success.

Kyum Son – Humility: Humility, serves us in all aspects of life. No one has the ability to do all things we must know when it’s time to ask for help.

Him Cho Chung - Control of Power: The power to take charge, is also the power that gives us the ability to ask for help.

Shin Chook - Tension and Relaxation: A person’s body is like a battery. It will become worn down and sick without the proper care. All heroes know, in order to be strong for someone else, we first must be strong for ourselves. A person who gets fixated on one thing will be of no use to anyone. You must learn to take time for yourself.

Wan Gup - Speed Control: To approach our convictions in a timely manner.

In closing, I can only say to parents, do not relinquish your power. Learn to take charge. This is your family. No one will take care of them as well as you. Learn to do what is easy first and remember, what is easy, lye’s in your hands. And personality is so important. With the right personality, you can change the world.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Parents Chapter

Dear Parent,
Have you ever noticed that all of our childhood fantasies had heroes that all lived by a code of honor? For example, King Arthur and the knights of the round table, had a code of honor.
• To never do outrage nor murder
• Always to flee treason
• To by no means be cruel but to give mercy unto him who asks for mercy
• To always do ladies, gentlewomen and widows succor
• To never force ladies, gentlewomen or widows
• Not to take up battles in wrongful quarrels for love or worldly goods

Wonder Woman had: The Lasso Of Truth
Superman had: Truth, Justice and the American Way
I think you get the idea. Martial Artist, for thousands of years, have understood the power that could be wheeled in the name of Good, doing what is right, protecting the innocent, caring for the weak. None of what we are talking about is new; maybe forgotten. We live in a different world today. One made up of lawyers and courts and an attitude of, I need to mind my own business for fear of being sued for trying to help a person, you, I may not know. People have become afraid to step forward. However, this is not the attitude or philosophy we can adapt when interacting with family members. If we allow outside opinions and society to dictate to us what is best for our families and loved ones, we, in turn surrender our power. I am not saying outside opinions and society cannot serve the greater good, I am saying do what is easy first and what is easy will always be in the realm of your power. A parent that finds out that their child is now being looked at by the local school system because this child may fall into one of the many new convenient category's society has constructed to further categorize our children, such as: Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Attention-Deficit Disorder and Obesity now must act. Whether you like it or not society will begin to take steps it feels are in the best interest of your child.

The following was taken from: The University Of Texas Website: Understanding Childhood Disorders, and may be found at:

Mental health professionals offer a wide range of effective therapies and treatments, drawing on significant advances in procedures and technologies. Like mental illnesses in adults, childhood disorders usually require a combination of medication and supportive psychological therapies either in the hospital or on an outpatient basis.

Medication is commonly prescribed for childhood disorders and has been proved an increasingly effective tool. This type of treatment requires careful supervision by a physician and is targeted at the chemical imbalances associated with these disorders. Like any drugs, these medications may have side effects.


Medicine has come a long way from the times we use to drill a hole in a person head to relieve, a severe headache. However, one thing still rings true; It was a better choice for a person to exercise all of their options prior to seeing a doctor. In today’s world, this still remains the better choice. We must learn to take responsibility in matters concerning our family. It’s time to start becoming the true superheros of our children’s lives. Stay tuned to this Blog. Next , how to become a superhero to your child.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How To Motivate A Child

How do you, a parent, motivate a child to want to lose weight?
After all, we made eating fun. We created the old saying after you eat,
you will get Dessert. Why was the meal not enough? Why, is Dessert
served after every meal? Years gone by, Mom made Dessert, maybe
twice a week. Now Dessert lives at Cosco’s in a box that contains a wholemonths supply. As my grandson would say, How good is that?”
Do you see the trap? We have gone as far as naming our food, Happy
Meals. Not only that, the suppliers of these type of food have created
silverware that lights up when you place it in your mouth. How much
more fun can a child ask for? Please do not get me wrong. I am not
saying you are doing these things. However, you must be doing
something wrong or why are you reading this book? Parents, are you
starting to understand why your children are at risk of the many healthy problems, we keep hearing about every day?

Heart Disease

We are dealing with an enemy that is relentlessly pursuing us everyday.
It lives in your homes, on your televisions, in our newspapers, in our
supermarkets and it wants your children and you. I will tell you one
thing, if this was a real live person doing this to your family, I do not
believe you would stand by so readily and let it happen. Visit this Blog often.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Overweight Children

A wise man once told me, “If you change, everything will change
for you.” All children are special; but, if you are to make a difference
with them, you must become special to them. You must change to help them.
Diets (changes in eating habits) alone very rarely work long term.
One reason can be found in the first three letters in the word diet:
DIE. How do you think this word plays on your subconscious? What
message does it send? Your body is designed to protect itself even
from you. Words are, without exception, the most powerful force for
change on earth; they have the ability to change everything and
I will describe in detail the techniques I use to help my over weight
students see themselves differently so they can create the changes in
their lives to lose weight. It is my hope that you are up to the task of
the personality, tonality and behavioral changes you will need to make
to help a child. Because for things to change for the overweight child
in your life, you must change first.

Master Ron J. Tramontano